Ok, I'm back..I took a little hiatus but, I am getting back in the swing of things. A year ago we were embarking on this crazy experiment of homeschooling and we were so excited and energized. This year... not so much. I am more overwhelmed than ever. Maybe it is because I now know what I don't know, and that is a little terrifying. Maybe it is because we are entering the middle school years....need I say more( eye roll followed by "whatever"). It is likely a combination of many things.
We officially started school Monday, August 13 and the week was a little rocky so, in true homeschool fashion, I've decided that Monday August 20th is our new first day. Isn't it great how I can do that. Where else in life do you get a do over? Even with the do over, we will still be way above the public school. I figured out today that the middle school up the street only has three and one half hours of academic teaching per day. I have perused the curriculum on line and I really do not see how they can cover everything. I think the answer is that they don't. With lunch, gym, music and study hall (you heard it Study hall), there is just so little time left.
My goal this year is to try to be calmer and more relaxed and let Sarah explore her own style of learning.Who am I kidding? Even I can't read that with a straight face, but it sounds good. This year like all others, I am going to close my eyes and hold on tight and hope this roller coaster ride was not put together by the guy with the face tattoo who took my ticket. I am going to trust and hope and dare I say it...Pray.