Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Own It

Well the word is starting to get out that we are Homeschooling. It is really touchy because you want to state your reasons without criticizing the public of private schools. But really, why am I stating reasons at all.  I feel like I have to defend or justify my decision not only to everyone else but also to myself. As I hear myself speak it seems very almost defensive, like I am gearing up for resistance and honestly no one has given me any.  Everyone has been so supportive and nice, so why do I feel like I have to explain everything.  I need to just Own it and move on. Make a decision and be confident and move forward. I should take this lesson from Sarah who is so cool with everything and so far has no doubts. I feel also like I am just waiting for the day when she says that she doesn't want to do it. How can she want to leave such a great place? Maybe it is not as great as I think it is. I shouldn't discount her school because I have been really happy there and If homeschooling doesn't work out, we would love to go back. Can we do that? I don't know.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Change the school or change the kid

Did I mention in this blog that Sarah has ADHD. Well, she does and apparently I was the last to know. She was diagnosed in third grade. The main advantage to being diagnosed is that she will get extra time on tests and hopefully receive a little more patience and understanding. I am still undecided if that is true. There are a lot of conflicting opinions on ADHD and how it affects learning and how to treat it. Doctors are all about medication, as are some teachers and you can certainly understand why.   Traditional school is more of a challenge for kids like Sarah as well as for most boys. So, we can medicate, which will make it easier for her to sit still and pay attention in her school as well as make her more agreeable to the teachers,  or we could keep Sarah just as she is and change they way she does school.  Sarah does not want to be medicated and believed me I have asked her...often. So maybe my decision is not a dilemma at all but just common sense.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Trial Run

Yesterday Sarah wanted to stay home from school for absolutely no reason at all. I relented because I secretly wanted to try our homeschooling. We began our day with bagels at Einsteins and started school at about 9 am.  I have to say from 9am until noon, she seemed very engaged. We worked on Language Arts, writing and Math. She is constant motion so we moved around the house a bit before finally settling into a spot in the Family room. At noon we ate lunch and at 12:30 we began Science.After science, I could tell I was losing her.  Her attention was definitely wavering. But Hey, I got 3 and a half good hours out of her of straight academic work which I think is more than I can say for school. At 1:15 we went to the YMCA to swim for about an hour and then it was off to Piano lessons. Overall a pretty good first Day! I asked Sarah how she thought the day went and she said "Perfect". I think that may be overstating it a little but I'll take it.

After we went to Piano, we went to Kumon for an assessment. This is not a true assessment because it took 30 minutes and they are trying to sell me a product. Well, no surprise they thought she should be well below grade level in math and reading.  I am a little skeptical but the Kumon way is rote memorization in a timed setting. This is not really the best way Sarah learns but I do think it has its' merit. Also, it is EXPENSIVE.

One challenge is for Sarah and I to carve out time away from each other. I noticed yesterday, it was a lot of togetherness which seemed to suit Sarah fine but I felt a little anxious. Sarah has a big personality and is very talkative and needs a lot of affirmation throughout the day.  I think school must be hard for her because she cannot move but I also think it may be good for her because it gives her structure. We will have to work through a routine that works for both of us and one that we can combine both structure and flexibility. Time will tell but I think we are on our way.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More resources

Everyday it seems I happen upon more and more resources for homeschooling. It may be information overload.  I find the program, text or workbook and then I read every possible review of it and then I put it in my shopping cart and then I don't buy it.  Maybe if materials start coming into the house it will seem too real and official. I did the first week lesson plan yesterday which took me about 3 hours. I am hoping it will get easier as I become less obsessive.  Thank god I have Sarah to keep me grounded. I keep telling her the negatives about homeschooling and she keeps countering me. Sometimes I am bored at school, I will still see my friends, I can learn more at my own pace and so on. I am looking in to buying a logic program but I think I might wait so I can catch up with her a little.   I did find the homeschool superstore which seems to have a huge selection of materials. I have to resist the temptation to go to Target everyday to buy pretty folders and sparkly pens.  Actually, I have already given in.they are sitting in my car.

Friday, May 20, 2011

telling firends

Sarah told her best friend Cassie that she was going to be homeschooled. I thought the little girl was going to cry. It felt like when I told Sarah about Santa. I guess I should tell the school now..... I am still so nervous or maybe anxious. We made our decision and feel like we have to at least try but I somehow feel worried still.  What if she can't maintain her friendships? What if I screw her up? I know this is something in which you just have to jump but what if the parachute doesn't open.  Each day this decision becomes more real.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Home sick again

Yesterday Sarah cam home sick from school today..lightheaded.  I think something else is going on. Only about three weeks left of school..then the real fun begins. Should we start homeschooling right away so we don't lose the momentum or should we take a break?   I am not sure how it will go but I still need to get ready.  I am so excited to begin seeing how Sarah learns and how far she can go.

Monday, May 9, 2011

second thoughts

Sarah went to Alter Server training tonight. I do love and appreciate that Sarah feels so connected to the Church and I am afraid she will lose that because I was unhappy with her teacher. I am afraid that I am not going to be able make this happen. Sarah has so much potential but she also has a unique personality that she will need to explore. What if what makes her happy is to watch TV and bounce around the house. What if she can't focus enough to learn with me? What if I get impatient or frustrated and make things worse? What if I can't follow through with the lessons or forget something?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Trip to the Chalkboard

Yesterday I went to the Chalkboard, a teacher supply and toy store.  What a disappointment..Everything was old and so dated, the whole store looked like my classroom from 1975.  The books were old and yellowed..Well this is not a review of the Chalkboard so onward to find cool materials in which to learn. The computer program is good but we need more.  I hope I can do this.  I hope Sarah can do this. I hope I don't screw everything up.  This is very stressful and a lot of pressure..Right now I can blame the school but if I homeschool, It is just me.  I suppose, in a pinch I can blame my husband for not talking me out of it..but that might be a stretch. The summer should be fun..Stay Tuned

Friday, May 6, 2011

Home Sick

I met with Sarahs' principal on Wednesday to voice my concern. He was one and a half hours late for our meeting.  This was not a good start. He was very nice and listened and took notes which I appreciated, I rambled a little which was to be expected but he did not get defensive and he let me say my peace so I was overall satisfied. Did it really change anything?..No.  In an ironic course of events, I was in charge of putting on the Teacher appreciation luncheon the next day. It went off without a hitch and all the teachers felt appreciated.. 

Friday Sarah came home sick from school with a stomach ache. I also received her weekly cummulative report card (which is a very good thing the school does) . Anyway..straight As.  Yesterday she could not read the word successfully.  She kept saying useful..no matter how hard she tried within the sentence, she could not read that word. An A is reading though....

She is upstairs resting because you can't watch TV if you are home sick..I have no idea why I have that rule. It is almost like she is being punished for coming home sick. I think it is because at the core of it, I never really believe any kid is that sick.  I did let her eat a butterfinger candy bar that was in her lunchable though. Is this making any sense?...Even a ten year old know it is rediculous..but Sarah ,although she questions a lot is overall pretty obedient which I plan to enjoy  as long as I can.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What are you really learning?

How much can a child learn? in the right environment how far can they soar? I am asking this question about Sarah. Currently in Catholic school and by all measured accounts in doing great. Almost straight As, friendly and liked by her teachers although she may be a bit energetic and inquisitive for some. This is the beginning of this journey into the best way to educate Sarah.

A Little background...Sarah is 10 years old, in the fourth grade and attends a local catholic school. I have been generally happy with the school.  The community is close, the principal is great and the teachers are loving and caring. This year as I was going about my way between school and piano lessons and swim team and a variety of other activities that fill our day. Everything is being managed and the house is relatively neat so Life is Good.

One day I had some kids over the house for a play date.  When they asked to play a game, I was delighted. We got Scattegories from the game cabinet...Great, they can learn and play.  I sat down to help because we have played before and sometimes Sarah needs help reading the cards or understanding the context. We had two kids over a fourth grader and a first grader. To my surprise the first grader could pretty much read most of the cards.  The visiting fourth grader..no problem at all.  Sarah ..not so much.  How could this be. She is a straight A Student with the occasional B in Reading.  Surely she is at grade level...Are these neighbor kids just geniuses.

I requested a conference with her teacher and the firestorm began.
How is Sarah doing?
 I noticed she doesn't seem to be reading that well.
 We put her in small group and she is doing fine.
She gets mostly As. is she getting the same work as the rest of the class?
 absolutely..the exact same work.
Are you sure because she seems behind to me yet she is getting good grades.  Are her grades based on the exact same work.
  Yes the exact same work.
Okay then maybe I am overreacting.

Well this is when it gets interesting..As it turns out Sarah is not getting the same work..Not even close. Sarah Had ADHD which qualifies her for an extra time accommodation.  The same work..extra time on Tests. Apparently the school interpreted the accommodation as same time, less test questions. So for the entire year she has been given significantly less vocabulary words, language arts assignments and so on. I was unaware but I don't think it would have made a difference because the teacher assures me this is not he case. When I finally proved this on one test..she conceded on the one instance and gave her the complete test.

I began to think..How much have we missed..20 % 30 %....Will I have to catch up to get her ready for 5th grade. Unfortunately I don't know the answers because I can't get the whole story from the school.
So, my quest begins..How much can Sarah Learn? Where is the right place for her? Will she be tracked in the school at such a young age?