Friday, May 6, 2011

Home Sick

I met with Sarahs' principal on Wednesday to voice my concern. He was one and a half hours late for our meeting.  This was not a good start. He was very nice and listened and took notes which I appreciated, I rambled a little which was to be expected but he did not get defensive and he let me say my peace so I was overall satisfied. Did it really change anything?..No.  In an ironic course of events, I was in charge of putting on the Teacher appreciation luncheon the next day. It went off without a hitch and all the teachers felt appreciated.. 

Friday Sarah came home sick from school with a stomach ache. I also received her weekly cummulative report card (which is a very good thing the school does) . Anyway..straight As.  Yesterday she could not read the word successfully.  She kept saying matter how hard she tried within the sentence, she could not read that word. An A is reading though....

She is upstairs resting because you can't watch TV if you are home sick..I have no idea why I have that rule. It is almost like she is being punished for coming home sick. I think it is because at the core of it, I never really believe any kid is that sick.  I did let her eat a butterfinger candy bar that was in her lunchable though. Is this making any sense?...Even a ten year old know it is rediculous..but Sarah ,although she questions a lot is overall pretty obedient which I plan to enjoy  as long as I can.

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