Sunday, September 25, 2011

Back Home

  Last week we returned form a trip to Providence Rhode Island. Wow! we had a great time visiting family and seeing the sights. We spent a day in Boston and walked the Freedom Trail. We took a tour with a cantankerous guide who was a teacher at a local college. He tried to tell the behind the scenes story of the revolution which was contrary to what we have been learning for the past 6 weeks. Sarah tried to catch him on various inaccuracies but it ended up really being a battle of wills. Nevertheless it was a great time and we were able to see where it all began and it tied in nicely with our history unit.
  We also visited the RISD museum which was very impressive and across the street was the art supply and gift shop..equally as impressive..we got a t-shirt.Of course the best part was being able to see family. It was great to have the flexibility and take advantage of cheap air fares. 
    I thought we would be able to do school on the go but that was a little ambitious. Although the trip was educational, we didn't get much done in the way of scheduled schoolwork..lesson learned.
  Overall, a great trip and I am looking forward to going back.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11

On the ten year anniversary of September 11, I remember that fateful day like is was yesterday. Sarah was a baby just under a year and the world seemed to stop cold. We were glued to the TV for the days and weeks to come. We all felt so uneasy and restless and grateful and angry and patriotic all at the same time. A Decade later we feel many of the same emotions but we now know that the world as we know it continues to go on. For some, it goes on without a father or sister or friend because of that senseless day. 

I am not sure how we teach this to the next generation.  We can't really put this in the context of a War or a fight for Peace. It is hard to explain more than that it tragically happened. Now, the war that ensued thereafter is certainly more concrete, but that day...still difficult to explain in history.  What did the attackers want? Why Americans? How did we not know this would or could happen? How will history write this chapter after significant time has passed? 

Two years ago on September 11 my Father died. Clearly this is a day that is full of sadness on many levels. I hold my breath a little today and wait for the 12th.  This event, tragic as well, was much easier to understand, much easier to explain and is many ways it was easier to grieve. 

I did not attempt to teach Sarah the complexities of this day but she  has seen the footage  and she does respect the struggle but like the adults, it will likely be more than a decade for her to really understand 9-11.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The first four weeks

    We are on Day 20 of homeschooling. I am counting the days like when your kids are little and you say she is  14 weeks instead of about 3 months. Then you say 17 months instead of about a year and a half.  No one really cares..just say she is one and people will think she is super big but really smart. 

    Anyway, we are about 4 weeks into this and I have to say I like it. I love the flexibility and Sarah seems pretty happy. It is hard to tell because she is generally a happy kid, but so far so good. We are meeting some other families who homeschool and they mirror the general Catholic school community we came from. Some crazy nuts, some overzealous, well tanned skinny moms, some wear it on your sleeve Christians (who I hope are praying for me because I am sort of winging it.) but mostly just great down to earth parents who are just trying to do what is best for their family. In case you were wondering, I consider myself the latter.

  Everyday I do wake up a little scared that I will screw her up.  I worry that I will forget to teach her something. She will go to High School and not know where France is and we will both look like Idiots. Oh Crap, I totally forgot to teach  Europe. Then they will come to my house and take my stupid child away. I don't know who they are, but that is the way I fear this could play out.

Although I am still nervous, I know Monday Day 21 is going to be great!