Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11

On the ten year anniversary of September 11, I remember that fateful day like is was yesterday. Sarah was a baby just under a year and the world seemed to stop cold. We were glued to the TV for the days and weeks to come. We all felt so uneasy and restless and grateful and angry and patriotic all at the same time. A Decade later we feel many of the same emotions but we now know that the world as we know it continues to go on. For some, it goes on without a father or sister or friend because of that senseless day. 

I am not sure how we teach this to the next generation.  We can't really put this in the context of a War or a fight for Peace. It is hard to explain more than that it tragically happened. Now, the war that ensued thereafter is certainly more concrete, but that day...still difficult to explain in history.  What did the attackers want? Why Americans? How did we not know this would or could happen? How will history write this chapter after significant time has passed? 

Two years ago on September 11 my Father died. Clearly this is a day that is full of sadness on many levels. I hold my breath a little today and wait for the 12th.  This event, tragic as well, was much easier to understand, much easier to explain and is many ways it was easier to grieve. 

I did not attempt to teach Sarah the complexities of this day but she  has seen the footage  and she does respect the struggle but like the adults, it will likely be more than a decade for her to really understand 9-11.

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