Thursday, March 29, 2012

Are we doing enough?..Yes!

    While chatting with some home school parents today, I am struck by how we all have varying levels of insecurities, myself included. How could we not? Being a parent is full of second guessing, so it stands to reason that home schooling would follow suit. Intellectually, we all know that the schools are not the best model and we are indeed doing better, but there is always that nagging feeling. The buck truly does stop here, there is no one else to blame, and although we will gladly take the credit, credit is less free flowing.  Everyone I have ever talked to feels like there is one area that they have given insufficient attention. For me it is Spanish, I had grand plans in September, I fully expected Sarah to be fluent by June. In November our Spanish program broke..yep wouldn't load..really slow and well..just broken. I don't have to tell you how that went. She barely knows basic vocabulary much less how to  conjugate verbs. For some it is writing or science or religion. We all have our things. For some it may be style or quantity. Are we doing enough school? does my style simply replicate traditional school? How can I make it fun and interesting enough so they will retain this information beyond fifth grade? I take much satisfaction in the fact that I haven't met one homeschooler , new or seasoned that doesn't have the exact same issues.

   In the end I think this fear is what makes a great teacher. I can think of nothing worse than complacency. In every area of my life there is room for improvement which creates room for change and growth. This is the way it should be. Without this nagging feeling that I suck, I would never improve. My accomplishments would not have the same impact and my failures would be devastating. It is comforting to know that I have not peaked and that tomorrow  may be the best day yet.  When your kid says something smart or insightful (preferably in front of other people) you feel so proud you forget all the days they stared at you blankly and said "what Civil War?". As the official school year enters the home stretch, I will focus on how much we did accomplish instead of what we may have missed. At least that is the plan. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break Lite

       After a lot of conversation, Sarah has convinced me that she needs a spring break. It wasn't that hard a sell because I need a Spring break too. Of course the weather is Chicago decided to turn back to seasonably March, just in time. We have a busy homeschool week planned with the usual activities but we will forgo our typical schedule. Compromise is becoming my middle name. Until I moved to the midwest, I thought Spring break really just applied to college students in fort lauderdale. Times have changed, College kids go to Cancun and families everywhere take elaborate vacations to Disney world and beyond. We are not a spring break family but this week we may sleep a little later, see a few movies and relax a bit.  

         This week Sarah will go to science club where the topic is organic chemistry, Cooking club where she will present her project on Ireland, take a maple syrup field trip and  participate in an Archery lesson. She will serve Mass twice. Between this busy schedule we will try to visit with friends and take a little break from school .

     We are also on day 5 of our Gluten free experiment. I think it is making a difference with Sarah but I oddly enough feel worse..maybe I am intolerant to corn or rice...if so, I am screwed. The good thing is we haven't eaten out in a week, which is good because gluten free food is crazy expensive. Come on!!..8 oz of pasta for $5.00. Of course, the smart way to do it is just eat healthy fruits and vegetables instead of a bowl of Chex cereal and a diet coke for breakfast...I can't understand why I don't feel better.  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Project Based Learning

     I have been researching project based learning lately. It is basically integrating your curriculum into a real world project or theme. For example, students design a new product or solve a problem in healthcare or investigate the causes of racism. All this is done by incorporating English, History, Math and Science. The project spans some time and concludes with some sort of report or presentation. I am curious how the schools are able to do this with all the time and budget contraints. For homeschoolers it seems perfect, except for the fact that it really is designed to be done in groups with the exchange of ideas.  Perhaps some sort of co-op is on the horizon.

     Everyone speaks of creativity and critical thinking but how do we really teach it?  How do you get a child to  take initiative and be take chances on an idea when it may not come naturally to them (or us)? Are the great innovators accidental or were they nurtured by a teacher or parent?  I Find this challenging with Sarah. When I say write a report on anything you want she becomes very overwhelmed and literally shuts down. If I give her a topic, she resists. I think it has a lot to do with confidence and fear. She is afraid she will pick the wrong topic or she wont be able to finish it. I completely understand that fear and it can be paralyzing. How do we overcome this in our children when as adults we struggle as well?

     Back to PBL, this could be a huge shift in how we home school.  If done correctly, it could make sense out of school. The age old question, "when am I ever going to use this?" may actually have merit. Are we raising test takers or great thinkers.   If we open the walls of education and embrace failure as a natural part of learning we may uncover some amazing ideas.   This is such a great time in their life, free of pressure and responsibility. This is the perfect time to explore without having to achieve. Now, onto picking the first project.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Home school rock climbing

   Today is what I like to call a wash. Our Cooking group was postponed until next week, so I thought great, we can catch up on some school work. Not so much..After some unexpected errands in the morning, I realized some days you just have to give up the dream of it being a productive academic day. At around noon, I realized how it was going and just decided to take Sarah to Homeschool Rock Climbing. 2 hours for 10 bucks, you cant beat that except that I bought a $6 smoothie from the gym I guess you can beat it. This is a sport that Sarah loves! She climbs up that wall like a little monkey with no fear. It is two hours that I get to catch up on phone calls or read.  Not much learning today, but there is always tomorrow. When I feel guilty, I remember that the public school will only go to school 12 days of a possible 22 in March. I guess you could call today a teacher institute day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

No more Gluten, maybe

I think because we have had this little burst of summer, our brains have decided that summer is actually here....unfortunately it's not and we still have full time school for over 2 more months. I know if it is hard for me, it is quadroopilly hard for Sarah, (I know it's not a word, that's why I made the spelling extra fun).

Luckily we started early in the day so we were able to get a lot done. Around 1:30 we decided to go the Trader Joe's.  I have been entertaining the idea of a gluten free diet for years but have never really committed to it. I have no doubt that we would be healthier, exercise wouldn't hurt either but I don't want to go all out crazy. It turns out Trader Joe's has a lot of Gluten free items and they are only about three times the price of the regular things. How come every time you take something out of food, the price goes up, sugar, fat, salt, caffeine, and gluten? I think to compensate, a bag of sugar and a carton of salt should be given away free with every order. 

Sarah had a great time at the store, she had her list  of gluten free items and read all the labels. My fear is that she will end up living on Chex cereal and Fritoes. Turns out..snacks are not the problem when going gluten free.  I have to roll my eyes a little to think I am one of those Moms, just last week I heard myself saying..I could be Vegan.  

Through the homeschool community, I have met many people with varying opinions about diet and how it relates to behavior. I think much of it is valid, but also individualized. What works for one kid has little effect on another and what one parent perceives as an impact another can barely recognize.  I think it can all be summed up by one statement. 
                  Don't let your kids eat crap and make them run around. 

If that involves chasing them to pry the Oreos out of their hands than so be it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


       Something oddly wonderful and a little unnerving is happening in Chicago. It is mid March and Spring had sprung. I don't mean it is peaking through the sky to say hello, I mean it is here in full force sitting on my deck waiting for the burgers to be done. The tulips are sprouting and the trees are flowering and everyone is confused and a little giddy. Shorts and tank tops adorn the whitest of arms and legs and no one cares! It Spring!  Neighbors are outside commenting on how much the toddlers grew over the winter..but really what winter. The snow blower still has gas in it and the firewood was hardly touched. Chicago, you should be ashamed of yourself. You call that a winter. This is a town where Easter egg hunts are often snowed out and  the last frost may come just shy of Mother's Day. But I forgive you for this  blip, this anomaly this pleasant surprise and hope you don't take it out on us in Summer. For now, all I can say is Thank you Mother Nature! For once I get to  go on Spring Break even if it is in my own back yard!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Kid teaches Mom

     Sometimes in our efforts to pack everything into a school day we revert to what we know. What I know is traditional school and although I realize it is not the best model, it quickly becomes my default. I can basically end up lecturing and  giving out worksheets if I am not careful. I have to admit, there are days when it is just easier.

    I looked at Sarah during a lesson on cells and she looked totally bored. So I decided to switch it up a bit. I gave her the materials and told her I would be back in 30 minutes for my lesson, (at which time I took a well deserved break and read O magazine) She had to teach me about single cells, multicellular organisms, bacteria, protozoans and amoebas. What kid doesn't want to be the teacher?   She did great and we both learned a lot.   Sarah likes to be the boss which is tough because I like to be the boss too.  Of course when she does it, it is bossy and disrespectful and when I do it, it is parenting.

Sometimes I find the best solution is sitting right in front of you. One of my favorite quotes is " If you can't explain something simply then you don't understand it well enough" I'm not sure if that is it exactly but you get the idea....I think Einstein said it but I could be wrong...I got it off Pinterest. 

If anyone reading this blog has never heard of it and say goodbye to your life. I know  people say smoking is hard to kick but...ohhh this Pinterest is a tough one.  There are a ton of great home school ideas if you are tempted.. but you have been warned.

I think I may have Sarah research and teach a lesson once a week. She's smart, likes to talk and can use the internet just like me. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Needed: a new face for home schoolers

Because I haven't been watching TV and my time  on the Internet is lesson planning..yeah that's it planning lessons, I have missed some of the the Republican commentary.   How did I miss that Rick Santorum home schooled his kids or something like that.? You know it is very trendy now. everyone is doing it! Well, I certainly am glad that the national spokesperson for home schooling has shifted from Michelle Dugger(who is is the sweetest person on the planet) to Rick Santorum (who is the craziest person on the planet).  Yea!! At the risk of this blog becoming political I have to ask myself, what the hell?

Please come forward all you parents that are fed up with education(not you..sit down Rick). Everyone else who feels that they can do better. Many of us have taken the plunge, not because the schools are immoral  or evil but because we think the model may be flawed and our kids can actually learn better in a different environment.  We respect educators and education and reject ability grouping and teaching to the test. We would love the state to do better and know that reform will eventually take place, but until then we choose to take on the privilege of guiding and teaching our children ourselves.

Yes, it is becoming downright popular. Perhaps this  community, that once prided themselves as being off the grid, is now being viewed in a different light. The attention is mostly good but a little bad as well. With attention comes scrutiny. I am new to this, so I am by no means an authority but I do know it is one of the most personal choices a family can make. It is seldom taken lightly. When Bill Gates pulled their kids out of school for a year while they were travelling, no one commented, nor should they have. I am only mentioning it myself because Bill Gates is cool( In that nerdy Zuckerburg sort of way).

As the debate over public education rages on, the home school community grows in numbers and not for the reasons you would normally think. We left a religious(catholic) school for academic reasons not the other way around. Surprisingly, we are not alone.

No agenda Homeschool said it better..check out this link

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

It is never a good thing when a store closes, jobs are lost and communities suffer, but I have to say if it is going to happen, I am so glad I got there early. Some may not know this about me, but I have a thing for office supply stores. Some women like shoes or chocolate but I crave file folders and colored paper.

Today was a happy day for me. The Office Max in a nearby town is going out of business....I just lost my breath a little thinking about it.  I heard the news and jumped in the car to drive 30 minutes in rush hour. My adrenalin was pumping. YES! I got there and the whole store was 50% off (excluding computer stuff..but who cares about that). Folders, highlighters, binders, paper, pens and the holy grail..Post-its. For those of you who are amateurs, you should know that the best you will ever do on post-its is buy 1 get 1 half off. The sales associate asked me if he could help me and I explained that I needed to do this my way. He understood.  I circled once to access and then proceeded down each aisle. At the checkout..It just got even better..the candy and diet coke was 50% off too!!

I love the thought of getting organized without actually ever being organized. Weird I know.. I will always crave the perfect home office and home school.  Maybe my  desire to home school is deeply routed in the thought of school supply shopping all year long. Maybe I am just looking for an excuse and Sarah is just my pawn in this game. I Once thought of working at an Office Max but felt that if I saw the inner workings, it would taint my memories. I feared they would put me in copy max and I would have to listen to some lame customer complain about their  business cards, all the while the sharpies needed to be straightened and colorized. All fantasies aside, it was a great day. Oh did I mention that after dinner I went back for more.... I now get to sort everything ..It is going a long (and fun ) night.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Anderson Cooper

    I just watched the Anderson  Cooper show about Adhd,  which also talked about unschooling.  I know it's lent and I gave up TV but I made an exception because it was kind of like research..Right? Well, in true form they were talking about medication and they had two examples. The sane mom who has her kid in school and medicates. She was sympathetic and sweet and you could totally  feel her struggle. She was nonjudgmental and typical of so many  parents out there.  Then we have the example of a Mom against medication, who surprise.. surprise,  unschools. All I could say is Oh Crap! Why couldn't my side get the normal one. Although the unchooling mom has great points, she was judgey and annoying and talked about how before 1850, everyone was homeschooled. Well guess what? before 1850 there was slavery and women couldn't vote. That is a ridiculous argument. You had a national forum and you blew it. After watching that show I wanted to Medicate Sarah and send her off to school.
It is no wonder that people think homeschoolers are religious zealots or frustrated hippies. Just so you know, I have met none of those..Okay I met one but that doesn't count. 

I have three goals for this blog. 1) keep an accounting of our progress 2) post links of stories of cool homeschoolers and 3) never use the word journey in my writing (after 10 seasons of The Bachelor, I can never look at that word the same way.. except of course, if I am referring to the most awesome band ever!!)

In closing, the best part of the show was Anderson Cooper himself who I haven't seen since Fat Tuesday and I can honestly say I have missed. I have to thank my sister for tipping me off to this episode which I taped. On April 9th I am taking a sick day and watching 40 days worth of Anderson Cooper and The real Housewives....I can't wait..See.. Homeschoolers aren't all crazy. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tough Audience

Sarah is in a Science group, of which I am very thankful because Science is not my strength. All has been good, mostly because I joined while the group was in progress and the other parents had already signed up the teach the lessons. Although I felt guilty for not doing my share, I was secretly doing cartwheels. Well, this Tuesday, I do have to actually DO a lesson.It is on electrolysis. which of course, I thought it was permanent hair removal but not so... It is actually...well... I am not sure, but by Tuesday I will be.  The Moms in this group were so generous to let us participate but I fell like they are way out of my league. They have had older kids, they seem pretty smart and I am shamelessly riding on their Science coat tails.

Anyway, I need to get on the stick and plan this lesson!  The girls are a tough group too... smart and I think easily bored. They don't laugh at my jokes and they ask questions (ouch).  I have no problem talking to adults who frankly can be easily duped by fancy speech and big words. Kids not so much. They see right through me, they know I am a fraud.  My strategy is to not embarrass myself or Sarah and provide really good snacks afterwards, which is a pretty good plan for life in general. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

You don't hate writing and sit still!

I now have a follower.(Okay, it is my sister but whatever) Thanks Peggy! I am thinking that maybe I should start telling people about this little blog. 

Today began with Sarah serving the 8 am mass and It was a school mass which was fun because she got to see all her old classmates. This is the first time that I have been to one of these masses that I didn't feel at all nostalgic. I saw the kids in their uniforms, I saw them doing the readings and ..nothing. Don't get me wrong they were cute and well behaved, I Just didn't have the slightest pang that Sarah should be back there. As far as I can tell, Sarah didn't either. So its official, we have moved on. Coincidentally, we had a great homeschool day too.

After a brief meltdown that even Sarah knew was lame because I saw her crack a smile during a tantrum, she actually did some pretty good writing. I just have to get her to stop saying she hates writing. One thing at a time. After her writing assignment she said "now is that what you were looking for" as only an eleven year old girl can  say. And I said "as a matter of fact it is little snot" Actually, I didn't say the last part out loud,I just wanted to. 

Writing is hard for most people and for someone who has not sat still since 2002, it is really tough. She has energy like no other. She often does her work on a red exercise ball (at least someone is using it) upside down with the dog licking her face. On a side note, I think my dog Lucy has some attention issues as well, but that will be saved for a later post. I am sure she isn't listening but low and behold she can repeat exactly what was said. This is remarkable and infuriating at the same time.

Everyday I say what is the end goal?, and today in the end, she wrote a book report that was pretty good. We are both still standing (even if  one of us is standing on her hands) and I am pretty proud of that.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Learning on the go

Today is a perfect example of learning on the go. We  began our day at home with Spelling power a little math and pancakes. At 9:15, I had a Doctors appointment and Sarah read in the waiting room. ( I know, I was shocked too..I fully expected her to be doing handstands in the reception area..but she was reading!) At 10 am we got gas, a snack at the gas station (diet coke and donuts..don't judge) and we're off to the Library.

We will work on more Math until 11:15 when we are off the cooking club. The presentation today is by Madeline who will be presenting on Australia and the kids will make and eat Australian food. In true fashion Sarah will not eat anything but will finish up the donuts that have been sitting in the car, on the way home. I will run an errand during the club and fill my body with lots of coffee (Decaf of course). Cooking club is over at 1:30 and although I always say we will work in the afternoon, it never happens. We arrive home about 2pm , Sarah will practice Piano while scowling and at 5:00 Sarah will serve 5 o clock Mass. I will host my grown up book club at 7 pm where we will discuss Lost and Found..Don't bother reading it was not that good. Of course I am an expert because I read 3 books a week now. So that is our day.

I am counting Cooking club as Social studies and Alter Serving as Religion and Math as Math.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today we discussed the book Stargirl in our girls book group. If you haven't read it, it is worth the time.

It is about a girl who enters High School after having been homeschooled her whole life. Although Homeschooling is not the main theme of the book, it plays a role. The author accurately gives an account of High School life and it ain't pretty, especially for someone who dresses, acts or looks differently. It was so interesting to hear the girls reaction, most of whom have never been to school. I think the girls accepted that homeschool kids are different. I am not so sure that is the case. I think they are the same but their circumstances require different things of them. I think in a school setting they too would adapt to the environment and act accordingly. Sarah is the same person she was when she was in school;however, she is able to move and speak more freely throughout the day. This freedom breeds some creativity and arrogance that may not have been as apparent in a traditional school.  She has less stress I am sure, both socially and academically.  I think the environment determines the behavior and kids become who they are  at that time of their lives based on the school dynamic or the lack thereof. 

So what would you do to fit in? change? lie? abandon your principles or friendships? Honestly I think most people at some time in their lives have gone along with the group so they would not be singled out or embarrassed. How can we expect our children to be so brave as to go against the grain? One way may be  to create an environment where being an individual is not ridiculed or ignored but embraced. I don't know if that environment is always Homeschool but I do know that it is not School. I read the book much differently than the girls and I couldn't help thinking of my school years. I felt so sad that it is accepted that this is part of growing up because it absolutely is. Certainly homeschooling can help for those that are fortunate enough to do it, but what about everyone else. Stargirl was truly an individual and not because she was homeschooled but because she was a high school student trying to find her way in an impossible circumstance...high school. In this regard she was just like everyone else.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Hate, I mean Love, No, I Hate TV.

So I have been casually writing this blog for a few months and no one really knows about it, but low and behold, I received a comment, Thank you Linda! I was so excited that I told my husband and he said "You have a blog?". Anyway, it inspired me to write more than one post a month.

 I gave up TV for lent so I have a little extra downtime. I've read about 4 books so far. Makes you think, how much TV did I watch? And speaking of TV..It is for sure my nemesis. Sarah would rather watch TV than do is like a drug to her. I sympathize because I love it too but it is bad, really bad, specifically because we watch bad TV. Dance Moms and Real Housewives and MSNBC are my vices and I feel so guilty that I have somehow passed this onto my daughter. Her addiction is in the form of the Disney Channel, and you know those little starlets are just one step away from celebrity rehab with Dr Drew.  I have tried limiting it to one hour a day, and man that hour goes fast. I have to admit it is a challenge.  There are theories that kids with ADHD should not watch much TV. Unless you are watching Nova, no kid should watch more than an hour a day. It is like gluten, everyone feels healthier without it , but ooh I do love a good breadstick.

During the day, the TV never comes on before 3 o clock and that I do stick to. While Homeschooling, it is nice that it is never part of the conversation.  I know that sounds kind of lame but it's all I got.   I know a lot of parents have similar issues with video games of which we have none. Yep, no Wii , no X Box..nothing, I like to keep our TV clean and simple. Just a box with 125 choices..I am a purist for sure.

So for the next 32 or so Days I will sacrifice..It is the very least I can do..You know. Is it true that Sundays are not part of Lent.?.Never-mind I think I know the answer...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Are you smarter that a fifth Grader?

      I thought I would write a blog to chronicle our first year of homeschooling but it has been more difficult that I anticipated. Finding time to shower everyday is a challenge.. much less blog. I vacillate between being a rock star parent/teacher and the certainty that I am destroying my last child. Clearly I lay somewhere in the middle.
       We are  in a routine and I am at the point of evaluating some of the curriculum I have chosen. Realizing that I can discard what isn't working even though I paid good money for it. It's like  eating that last bit of food at a restaurant when your jeans are screaming at your mouth to stop. I cant, I paid for it! I am also realizing that much as there are days that Sarah doesn't want to work, there are days that I don't either. Unfortunately, they aren't the same days. I do have new respect for teachers and I think their job is impossible. How can you do for 30 kids what I am having trouble doing for one?  The answer is they don't

Homeschooling is not perfect, just better.
       I am learning a lot about myself as well. I learned that I would rather spellcheck than actually put an apostrophe in any word. I learned that I learned very little when I was in school.  I learned that I am not smarter than a fifth grader and that my fifth grader is. I learned that almost everything you need to know can be found through  for free.  I have learned that education is no great mystery and there are no shortcuts. The line is blurred between knowledge and intelligence and the capacity to learn is infinite.  I believe that discipline, habits and motivation are often disguised as intelligence when if fact we are all smart if we choose to do certain things.  The difference between gifted and average is not in the IQ but the desire to learn.  It may take some more time to master a concept but so what. Are we racing?