Sarah is in a Science group, of which I am very thankful because Science is not my strength. All has been good, mostly because I joined while the group was in progress and the other parents had already signed up the teach the lessons. Although I felt guilty for not doing my share, I was secretly doing cartwheels. Well, this Tuesday, I do have to actually DO a lesson.It is on electrolysis. which of course, I thought it was permanent hair removal but not so... It is actually...well... I am not sure, but by Tuesday I will be. The Moms in this group were so generous to let us participate but I fell like they are way out of my league. They have had older kids, they seem pretty smart and I am shamelessly riding on their Science coat tails.
Anyway, I need to get on the stick and plan this lesson! The girls are a tough group too... smart and I think easily bored. They don't laugh at my jokes and they ask questions (ouch). I have no problem talking to adults who frankly can be easily duped by fancy speech and big words. Kids not so much. They see right through me, they know I am a fraud. My strategy is to not embarrass myself or Sarah and provide really good snacks afterwards, which is a pretty good plan for life in general.
Ooh, electrolysis! you should split water, that's a neat experiment, also you could get really ambitious and do what this kid did and do your own electroplating... neat!