While chatting with some home school parents today, I am struck by how we all have varying levels of insecurities, myself included. How could we not? Being a parent is full of second guessing, so it stands to reason that home schooling would follow suit. Intellectually, we all know that the schools are not the best model and we are indeed doing better, but there is always that nagging feeling. The buck truly does stop here, there is no one else to blame, and although we will gladly take the credit, credit is less free flowing. Everyone I have ever talked to feels like there is one area that they have given insufficient attention. For me it is Spanish, I had grand plans in September, I fully expected Sarah to be fluent by June. In November our Spanish program broke..yep wouldn't load..really slow and well..just broken. I don't have to tell you how that went. She barely knows basic vocabulary much less how to conjugate verbs. For some it is writing or science or religion. We all have our things. For some it may be style or quantity. Are we doing enough school? does my style simply replicate traditional school? How can I make it fun and interesting enough so they will retain this information beyond fifth grade? I take much satisfaction in the fact that I haven't met one homeschooler , new or seasoned that doesn't have the exact same issues.
In the end I think this fear is what makes a great teacher. I can think of nothing worse than complacency. In every area of my life there is room for improvement which creates room for change and growth. This is the way it should be. Without this nagging feeling that I suck, I would never improve. My accomplishments would not have the same impact and my failures would be devastating. It is comforting to know that I have not peaked and that tomorrow may be the best day yet. When your kid says something smart or insightful (preferably in front of other people) you feel so proud you forget all the days they stared at you blankly and said "what Civil War?". As the official school year enters the home stretch, I will focus on how much we did accomplish instead of what we may have missed. At least that is the plan.
insecurities reside inside all the parents only because they want their kids to learn even better and become successful persons when the grow up! don't take it to heart Dear Maureen :)