Because I haven't been watching TV and my time on the Internet is lesson planning..yeah that's it planning lessons, I have missed some of the the Republican commentary. How did I miss that Rick Santorum home schooled his kids or something like that.? You know it is very trendy now. everyone is doing it! Well, I certainly am glad that the national spokesperson for home schooling has shifted from Michelle Dugger(who is is the sweetest person on the planet) to Rick Santorum (who is the craziest person on the planet). Yea!! At the risk of this blog becoming political I have to ask myself, what the hell?
Please come forward all you parents that are fed up with education(not you..sit down Rick). Everyone else who feels that they can do better. Many of us have taken the plunge, not because the schools are immoral or evil but because we think the model may be flawed and our kids can actually learn better in a different environment. We respect educators and education and reject ability grouping and teaching to the test. We would love the state to do better and know that reform will eventually take place, but until then we choose to take on the privilege of guiding and teaching our children ourselves.
Yes, it is becoming downright popular. Perhaps this community, that once prided themselves as being off the grid, is now being viewed in a different light. The attention is mostly good but a little bad as well. With attention comes scrutiny. I am new to this, so I am by no means an authority but I do know it is one of the most personal choices a family can make. It is seldom taken lightly. When Bill Gates pulled their kids out of school for a year while they were travelling, no one commented, nor should they have. I am only mentioning it myself because Bill Gates is cool( In that nerdy Zuckerburg sort of way).
As the debate over public education rages on, the home school community grows in numbers and not for the reasons you would normally think. We left a religious(catholic) school for academic reasons not the other way around. Surprisingly, we are not alone.
No agenda Homeschool said it better..check out this link
"homeschooling before schooling" this policy is perfect. providing the kids with chances of learning things twice and quickly