Thursday, March 8, 2012

You don't hate writing and sit still!

I now have a follower.(Okay, it is my sister but whatever) Thanks Peggy! I am thinking that maybe I should start telling people about this little blog. 

Today began with Sarah serving the 8 am mass and It was a school mass which was fun because she got to see all her old classmates. This is the first time that I have been to one of these masses that I didn't feel at all nostalgic. I saw the kids in their uniforms, I saw them doing the readings and ..nothing. Don't get me wrong they were cute and well behaved, I Just didn't have the slightest pang that Sarah should be back there. As far as I can tell, Sarah didn't either. So its official, we have moved on. Coincidentally, we had a great homeschool day too.

After a brief meltdown that even Sarah knew was lame because I saw her crack a smile during a tantrum, she actually did some pretty good writing. I just have to get her to stop saying she hates writing. One thing at a time. After her writing assignment she said "now is that what you were looking for" as only an eleven year old girl can  say. And I said "as a matter of fact it is little snot" Actually, I didn't say the last part out loud,I just wanted to. 

Writing is hard for most people and for someone who has not sat still since 2002, it is really tough. She has energy like no other. She often does her work on a red exercise ball (at least someone is using it) upside down with the dog licking her face. On a side note, I think my dog Lucy has some attention issues as well, but that will be saved for a later post. I am sure she isn't listening but low and behold she can repeat exactly what was said. This is remarkable and infuriating at the same time.

Everyday I say what is the end goal?, and today in the end, she wrote a book report that was pretty good. We are both still standing (even if  one of us is standing on her hands) and I am pretty proud of that.

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